

I decided to take the plane- Odesa-Kiev-Tbilisi because the boat company that was supposed to bring me from Odessa to Poti in Georgia, was weird. The manager I met, did not know himself, when exactly the boat was leaving. So, to be able to stay three more days in Odesa and chill with Tolik instead of sitting on the boat, doing nothing, I chose to break my goal to travel from Estonia to India without flying. And it was totally definitely worth it.
rõõnok power

babuska in chillout zone

Marissa, Ira, Tolik


toliks datsha

An extremely nice chillout week in Odessa with Tolik and Ira. Some drinking, a lot of salo and kukuruznõje palotski. Many many new good people and 2 hooligan cats. For several nights, we stayed up late with Tolik and just talked. About stuff. Was cool. Because he is me and I am him. It felt really really bad to leave.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sellistest piltidest ma siin kylmas eestis toitungi!