

Amir Hossein Banu Azizi

My children I love, but martyrdom I love more

dudes from the smoking cafe

Fuck. God dammit. Swedish bureaucracy. IN TEHRAN!!!!!!! I’m fuckin’ allergic to it.

So. To be able to proceed to the Islamic republic of Pakistan, we were forced to get help from the embassy of Sweden in Tehran. I went there, and they kindly agreed to help. First they triple checked the passport, tried to remove the signatures (which are printed) by rubbing paper against it and tried some other weird shit. First then they let me know that the recommendation letter will cost 15 USD. Fuckers. They basically just copied the letter written by the Estonian embassy dude in Tbilisi, put their own stamp on it and that was it. Fuck fuck fuck greedy bastards.

But ok, I got the letters and we will once again visit the embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan tomorrow.

1 comment:

elErnesto said...

HE,he,he pretty funny! You can run, but you can't hide from the allmighty hand of Swedish Burocracy man!!It'll fuck you where it can! Nice pics dude - Rock ON! Greetings from El Ernesto....