
a week in Tbilisi

tourist shit
but only a little bit

botanical gardens, Tbilisi

The week in Tbilisi was not easy to survive. Georgian people like to drink and eat a lot. And I mean A LOT. The drinking wasn’t a problem coz I like to drink a lot too, but the eating was. After waking up in the morning (I think it was for the first time in my life I woke because of an urgent need to go to the toilet and shit), they served a full three course meal (which of course was delicious, and I fuckin’ love hatsapuri and adzika) and I never got out of the house before I had poured down at least 4-5 shots of dzadza (nice Georgian vodka made of grapes). Walking on the streets wasn’t so easy- I was always stuffed with food and a bit drunk. Balance and coordination problems were usual during these days. And in the evening, we repeated the morning drill, only with larger amounts of tasty Georgian food and a lot of more dzadza.

In Georgia, I got sick as well. Throat problems, nausea and dizziness. Probably caused by the cold weather and lack of warm clothing. Local medicine- a lot of vodka. I liked the medicine a lot.

Nika is the coolest small dude I’ve ever met. Total chillmaster and a little hooligan. Our host family was tired of his pranks, so I and Joss considered to include him in our travel plans and taking him with us to India and Australia :)

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